Thursday, July 01, 2004

Reply of Future as a VFP Developer by John Koziol

Since 10 years ago, everybody is talking about VFP is die. However, VFP7, 8 and 9 Beta are released either.

One of the message posted in UT.
A company interviewer told a VFP developer , he is suicide because he learn/use VFP as development tool.

There are ton of reply for this message. Some of them agree, and some don't. John Koziol from Fox Team, Microsoft has post his opinion on this message. He feel that
Visual FoxPro is actually a great training ground for moving on at some point .. or not as the situation dictates. Again, computer languages don't last forever.

These messages have blighten my mind. I have thinking of should I move to .NET or stay for VFP for long time. Seem, .NET is getting stronger and stronger but VFP is limited as tradisional pattern. Here is the answers: Use the right and most comfortable tool for your job. Aside, keep your eye at other technologies and development tools as well. MOVE when necessary, at the right time. When is the right time? When you feel you should move. :) It is my opinion.

Be ready to move, it is the fact of IT.


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