Saturday, August 28, 2004

Whil is back

According to Hentzenwerke's newsletter, Whil will be coming back to Fox Development.

2. A couple of years ago I toured the country, visiting conferences and user groups, talking about some new opportunities for Fox developers. I had two primary themes: (1) Linux's continued maturity was going to result in acceptance on the desktop, which was going to lead to demand for Linux application developers, and (2) Microsoft's ongoing negligence towards marketing Fox outside of the Fox community meant a decline in the number of Fox developers, which in turn would result in long-term opportunities for maintenance of Fox apps. I indicated that at some point in the future, I'd be jumping back into the development gig.

And that time is September 1. If you're looking for help with Fox development, or if you're getting started with Linux apps, see my new development website at If you're looking for someone closer to home to help with your Fox needs, check out our list of authors - many of them are available for part or full time consulting. Or give me a holler and I'll see if I can refer someone nearby.


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