Friday, August 19, 2005

Online Conference - Part II

I miss out my third day training class :(

I never know that the conference access code is changing everyday. And, I didn't receive any email or notification about it. I suspected the email is filtered somewhere.

Last night, I keep sending direct email to organizer and his company. Also, I make an international call to the organizer's company but no luck. I couldn't get them. Organizer noticed my email only after the class. Everything is over!

From this lesson, I would suggest to ask for alternative way to contact organizer such as MSN/Yahoo messager ID, in case we need helps on connecting to the training.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Chan Kok Kiet (John Jones) said...

Yes, that is a attendees list shown in the screen. I do agree with you that organizer need to improve in this area.


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