Monday, July 26, 2004

Utility to call .NET class in VFP, bye bye!

If you are following my blog (this, this) or Dot net class libraries and VFP ? thread in UT thread, you may heard of utility to call .NET class from VFP natively. This utility is written in C++, unmanaged code by FoxTeam. Ken Levy asked opinions from community to determine to ship it or not, depending on community needs with convincing reasons. Finally, FoxTeam has decided not to ship this utility after reviewed thread on this issue, however any suggestions are still open.

Before this, I asked myself, do I need to call .NET class from VFP? My answer is NO or may be. May be it could help, but I have no idea why and when I would do that. Since I am not using .NET at this moment, even though I am learning .NET. I would think that it is better to let FoxTeam to tell us, why do they think we need it. May be they may give us some clues. Anyhow, since the utility won't be shiipped ... game is over!

I felt that, Rick Strahl's and John Peterson's comments are the main reason for FoxTeam to make such decisions. Both of them are experienced developers. They have given FoxTeam very good and pratical comments.

Beside, John Peterson has suggested FoxTeam should better spend their effort more on other tools fox community requested for long time, such as COM debugging and etc. Fox developers need them more compare with utility mentioned above. Yes, I agree. It is the first time I stand on John Peterson side.


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