Saturday, October 23, 2004

Is Prime Number?

I just back from Job Interview in this morning. I was required to write a program to check any number passed is prime number or not. I was not very sure what is prime number, therefore the interviewer asked me to write another program. And, I am able to write it on the spot.

After the interview, I took abit time to search from internet what is prime number and I have written IsPrime() within half an hour. I think I "failed" the test because I shouldn't take that that long time. Anyway, here is the code :

FUNCTION IsPrime(tnNumber AS Integer) AS Boolean
llIsPrime = .T.

*-- Check number from 1 to value of parameter
*-- minus 1 because every number can be
*-- divided without remainer

*-- by itself by default

FOR i = 1 TO tnNumber - 1
IF i = 1

*-- 1 is not prime number
*-- by definition

llIsPrime = .F.

*-- If number can be divided
*-- by other number without
*-- remainder,

*-- then it is NOT prime number

llIsPrime = NOT (tnNumber % i = 0)

IF NOT llIsPrime

RETURN llIsPrime

I have tested it, and it should work. Anyone got shorter code for this function?


At 5:00 AM, Blogger Garrett said...

You don't need to go up to the number, only to the number/2. It's not shorter, but it runs twice as fast...

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Chan Kok Kiet (John Jones) said...

Thank you for your tip. It works. However, can you explain why? Sorry, my mathematical algorithm is not really good. :P

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes in most cases you can determine if X is a prime by starting from the 'middle' which is X / N (where N is the half of X). For example X is 10. It would sound a little more useless to divide 10 by 9... 8... 7... 6... as it would surely yield remainders. Starting from 10/5 is a good way to start. I think it applies to other numbers as well.

But I'm no too sure... I just woke up and I think I'm still daydreaming... hehe. Anyway have a nice weekend.

At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To make the code faster (but not smaller), test division by 2, and then by all odd numbers up to the square root of the potential prime.

Explanation: If a number "n" has one factor which is larger than sqrt(n), then it must needs have another factor which is smaller than sqrt(n).

HTH, Hilmar Zonneveld.


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