Friday, May 13, 2005

Update XML datasource, why does it different with other?

CursorAdapter and XMLAdapter were introduced in VFP8. However, I just try it out recently. I plan to use XML file as data source for my system configuration. Thank you Cetin Basoz for helping me to make my code works.
*-- Make some changes here
Why couldn't we just call TABLEUPDATE() to commit changes?

VFP9 third party patch to work on NT4 released

Do you believe that the patch is relaesed by third party?

Here's the release information:

"..a free patch for VFP 9.0 is available to run it on NT 4.0. The patch has been
created by the German FoxPro User Group ( and can be found at
the dFPUG document portal in the directory so VFP-developers do not
need to wait any more to buy an update of VFP 9.0 if they or their customers
still use NT4.

Some Technical details what the patch program does:

1. vfp90nt4.dll is copied to Windows system directory
2. vfp9r.dll and vfp9t.dll in VFP-Runtime folder at "Shared Files" are
3. vfp9.exe in VFP-program directory is patched.
4. vfp9.exe, vfp9r.dll, vfp9t.dll in same directory are patched.
5. backup copies of all files are made (extension .001, .002 and so on)

A patched VFP9 file will run on any operating system as long as it can find
vfp90nt4.dll in the windows system directory or the current directory. The
patch program can be forwarded to users if needed but you are not allowed to
offer it as an [sic] own download - please link to the above mentionend [sic] directory
instead. Patching executables might cause problems with virus filters and/or
licence agreements. No garantues [sic] whatsoever for patch programs and results."

[Source : Alex Feldstein]

Visual Foxpro 9.0 more SQL Server friendly

A news Visual Foxpro 9.0 more SQL Server friendly published at

FoxPro now supports a lot of the SQL data types that it didn't support before.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Free ebook - COM and .NET Interoperability

Apress Publishing has provided TheServerSide.NET with COM and .NET Interoperability for free download.

Thank you Martín Salías for posting at UT.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

May 2005 - Letter from the Editor is online!

May 2005 VFP Monthly Letter is online. It contains a summary of some recent Visual FoxPro news such as unofficial and partial result of VFP survery 2005.

Visual FoxPro team is busy working on future plans for Visual FoxPro to be announced next month

Stay tuned!