Sunday, July 31, 2005

Spelling Checker for Visual FoxPro

A free and open source VFP project - Spelling Checker for Visual FoxPro created by Craig Boyd is now available for download. You can download the dictionary here.

Thank you Craig Boyd.

Friday, July 29, 2005

VFP Solution Explorer

Scott Scovell is working on VFP solution explorer, and Craig Bernston is going to the same direction as he mentioned before.

Lets download this powerpoint to have a first look on Scott's Solution Explorer. It allows extensibility as much as possible, provides testing add-ins, deployment add-ins and etc.

[Source : Craig Bailey's thoughts]

Monday, July 11, 2005

DBF Support for Pocket PC

Andrew MacNeill pointed out an interesting link - FiveWin for Pocket PC - FWPPC . It let us create true Pocket PC 32 bit applications for Microsoft Windows Mobile (Pocket PC and SmartPhone). Most importantly, it is OOP, xBase syntax and concept, supports DBF files and similar indexes (CDXs).

I have downloaded a few demo sample code from the website, and the syntax look very familiar with VFP one. Of course, I am expecting more here. Is it possible customize the compiler to match back to VFP syntax such as DBSeek() to SEEK(), DBCreate() to SQL-CREATE statement? How to subclass the UI control and etc? I hope to have more resource for this and willing to see any articles about it published in FPA/Foxtalk.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

John Koziol is resigning from FoxTeam

John Koziol, Testing Engineer of FoxTeam announced to resign from FoxTeam and Microsoft effective July 15th and get back into the consulting world.

Good Luck, John!